Enumerating Pre-install Packages
- Bootcamp Enumerating Pre-install Packages
- Enumerating Pre-install Packages
- Apple Enumerating Pre-install Packages
I went to install bsnes the other day and for whatever reason the installation failed. Now, I cannot update, install new packages, or do basically any apt-get commands as they all try to process this broken package and fail. Attempting to install a new package also just dooms it to the same fate. The error I get is:
I have been searching on Google and here on Ask Ubuntu but have not found a working solution. The commonly suggested fix is to run the following:
- Jun 7, 2015 - [SOLVED] Problem with USB device enumeration in Windows 7 x64: Wrong. By default, Windows 7 x64 requires the driver to be 'pre-installed' which is. The Windows x64 would no longer treat the driver package as signed.
- I'm using this slightly modified script to enumerate all installed MSI packages. Why is enumerating installed MSI packages so. References for enumerating.
Boot camp repair installation freezes at enumerating pre-install packages after update to Windows 10. Boot camp repair installation freezes at enumer. I'm on a mid 2.
This however does not work. The apt-get commands all fail with the same error as above and the dpkg command just doesn't help. The other thing they often suggest to purge it via Synaptic or the command line, which also fails.
Thanks for the help
8 Answers
For advanced users, use at your own risks.
According to the following error message :
You may want to edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/[package_name].postinst
and comment everything (or better yet, try to understand it and identify the issue), then try apt-get
Note that though in this particular question the message concerns 'post-installation', it could have mentioned e.g. 'pre-removal' or 'post-removal' instead (in which cases the extension of the file to be edited would have been .prerm
or .postrm
Other than those which you have already posted, there are few other commands which can be helpful.
Autoclean clears out the local repository of retrieved package files.
Force installation/removal of packages. ☠Use with caution
Jan 5, 1982 - HHD Software Serial Monitor/Sniffer/Protocol. Now serial protocol. I am using it to monitor serial traffic to and from a programmable logic. RS232 standard is popular in many scientific directions and is widely used for lab equipment, quality and process controllers, various sensors, measuring tools,. N64 Controller. Nonvolatile Nintendo 64 Controller Pak. Half-duplex serial protocol. (shown above in the logic analyzer screenshots). Cubicle protocol clomid ivf. Serial protocol sniffer.
Bootcamp Enumerating Pre-install Packages
Also as always, you can use dpkg
to install, remove and purge packages.
So, after more googling and really carefully reading through the error messages again it seems that dpkg
needed to be reinstalled.
What tipped off that this was the problem (if anyone searches and sees this) is that update-alternatives: not found
was in the error message. As soon as dpkg was reinstalled, the other packages proceeded to install normally automatically.
You can remove the package file in this /var/lib/dpkg/info/
path and update the source.
Then, reinstall your package sudo apt-get install [package_name]
If all else fails. What I did was I first changed the directory to:
then I removed everything with .postinst
then update repository
then everything went back to normal when I did:
If all else fails, you can manually remove the package through dpkg
. Running sudo dpkg -P bsnes
should purge bsnes
In my case apt-get install -f
worked. I was installing mysql-workbench-community
Enumerating Pre-install Packages
Previously tried apt autoclean
I saw that dpkg error due to some missing dependencies which could be corrected by installing in forced mode( installing dependencies)
After running above, you can install/upgrade/remove/purge as usual for any packages.
Apple Enumerating Pre-install Packages
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