Hack Star Trek Online Cheat Engine

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  1. Star Trek Online Trainer

ONLY WORKS WITH galaxy class retrofit rate comment Suscribe share Me on facebook.https://www.facebook. Download Star Trek Online Hack zen gold Star Trek Online Cheats free download *******gamehack.eu/star-trek-online-hack-v2-1/ Star Trek Online hack is a tool. I try to hack Star Trek 2013 Ammo and Tricorder Energy First I try to hack an ammo but I can't fine any value in cheat engine Second I try to hack Tricorder Energy but in game it only Blue bar.


Star Trek Online Trainer

UnKnoWnCheaTs - Multiplayer Game Hacks and Cheats> MMO and Strategy Games> Other MMORPG and Strategy
[Request] Star trek online
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Star trek online
30th August 2017, 07:28 AM #1

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Hello everyone,
I see that there are hacks and things for many free to play mmorpg's
However i cannot find anything for star trek online.
Is there anyone that can look into any hacks or make some hack for the game?
Not sure if it has an anti cheat, its a cryptic game tho.
Or perhaps a hack that scans the exchange tell u what to buy and then resell to make profit?
Not looking for any godmode, but perhaps something with cooldowns for space and ground combat, or someway to increase the items in inventory? :P
Or perhaps some way that cheats the R&D and or the duty officer thing for crafting.
Thank you for reading
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30th August 2017, 07:36 AM #2
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i doubt anyone on here has anything on it, but the c++ section and the reversing section have enough information to make a hack relatively quickly for any game.
also i have tried some stuff on the game about a year and a half ago and speedhacking movement didn't work with cheat engine, so movement is server side so i would assume everything based on cool downs is too.
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30th August 2017, 08:13 AM #3

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Originally Posted by buddyrich
i doubt anyone on here has anything on it, but the c++ section and the reversing section have enough information to make a hack relatively quickly for any game.
also i have tried some stuff on the game about a year and a half ago and speedhacking movement didn't work with cheat engine, so movement is server side so i would assume everything based on cool downs is too.
What do u think about the exchange idea?
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30th August 2017, 08:12 PM #4
python barista

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Originally Posted by aap
that would be fairly easy to get hooked (getting the prices etc) but actually making a bot that can make money on a free market isn't that easy.. otherwise wall street wouldn't be people it would be robots.
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31st August 2017, 04:37 AM #5

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Originally Posted by buddyrich
that would be fairly easy to get hooked (getting the prices etc) but actually making a bot that can make money on a free market isn't that easy.. otherwise wall street wouldn't be people it would be robots.
There is actually an addon for this for world of warcraft, so it could possibly be doable for this game aswell.
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31st August 2017, 09:32 AM #6
python barista

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yes an add on that makes estimated guesses as to what will be profitable, but again.. u still have to pop open brain.exe because just cause someone is selling something that will never sell at 20 gold under doesn't mean u should buy it. for a robot to know how to do that you would need to teach it a lot.
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7th September 2017, 04:14 PM #7

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I would love a hack for this game as well. Some kind of hack that could possibly change the amount of currency you get when you sell something or currency from a mission.
I have zero mathematics skills and I have had major problems with coding and programming. I struggled to even create a notepad program that replicated itself infinatly.
If anyone could create a hack for star trek online no matter how crude I would be really happy.
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