Curtis 1314 Pc Programming Station Software Download

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  1. Curtis 1314 Software

This Dealer Level Curtis Model 1314 PC Programming Station provides a Windows interface for troubleshooting Curtis products with a serial or CAN bus interface. Dec 22, 2013 - Upshot is I'm looking for a the 1314 PC software download link. It seems we three are looking for the curtis programmer and live in the uk.

This is a compilation of various posts by Gologen...together with a couple of mine that have instructions and the various file downloads.
First pic is of the Curtis/Q logic type programming plug.....Programming
CURTIS SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD ..It's currently the only download link that I know of that is working... just read the page carefully and select the ... hard to see ..correct download links ..and ignore the adverts.
Gologens post on his success in getting connected and programming.
Today I tested my USB-CAN device in Windows 7(64). When i connected USB-CAN to USB port Windows found and installed usb-serial driver automaticaly. I run program 1314 PCPS with no problem.
So: 1314 PCPS + my dll +
USB-CAN can work in Windows 7(64).

Curtis 1314 Software

I want to post my dll file on this forum. May be it can help somebody.
So if you have or planning to buy this device
You can use this file to get connection 1314 PCPS to curtis controllers with CAN-bus.
Name of this file is LXN4py2s.dll. You should unzip and copy this file to program's folder (C:Program Files1314-4401 PC PROGRAMMING STATION) and change
original LXN4py2s.dll (NetPorty driver).
Next. You should copy file QM_USB.dll (USB-CAN driver) to same folder. You get this file from seller when you purchase USB-CAN device.
(214.01 KiB) Downloaded 658 times

Other steps to get connection to controller
you can find here: